Banco de la Nación Argentina w CMH

ArgentynaBanco de la Nación Argentina



🕗 godziny otwarcia

201, 24 de Septiembre, G4200, CMH, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 810-666-4444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -27.7895806, Longitude: -64.2590459

komentarze 5

  • roberto carlos umlandt

    roberto carlos umlandt


    Excellent and very competent the employee who attends to inquiries at the bank's entrance, unlike the federal police officers who make a show of clumsiness.

  • Alita Alagastin

    Alita Alagastin


    Very slow attention, all morning standing in line and they did not come to attend to me because they closed

  • Eduardo Enrique Actis Alesina

    Eduardo Enrique Actis Alesina


    Good bank. Professionalism and good service. Quite a few specialists. Many services. Reliability. Experience in staff and good treatment. I recommend putting up more informational posters.

  • Belen Fraga

    Belen Fraga


    The attention leaves much to be desired in terms of waiting time. You lose all morning in the bank. They would have to apply some methodology to optimize customer service. It cannot be that for each client they are more than forty minutes, and the employees per procedure get up more than three times to do that paperwork. And they spend it walking and modeling one another. I really hate going to the bank because I know it's losing all morning. Both in attention and online cash!




    The attention in general is bad, especially and especially in cash line. Although some employees strive for efficient work, they are overshadowed by others who don't care in the least about customer satisfaction. Giving situations many times of general annoyance within the institution, which are successfully managed by the group of PFA police officers who do a great job within the entity. In the cash line you often see people who pass without having obtained a number, because some ATMs allow it, others who work for a short time and then leave their post taking a long time to return and causing delays and extreme inefficiency. Faced with this situation, sometimes the branch manager knew how to act to remedy the problem, but many others did not and even rebuked those who expressed dissatisfaction with the situation.

najbliższy Bank

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