Diarco w Santiago del Estero




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Ruta Nacional N° 9 Km 1141 y rotonda Ruta Nacional N°64, G4200 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 385 432-8692
strona internetowej: www.diarco.com.ar
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -27.807773, Longitude: -64.298595

komentarze 5




    Diarco Santiago del Estero is a place to buy in winter, they have many brands and very good prices despite the inflation that we are going through, in summer unfortunately you cannot buy because the merchandise is melted or spoiled, I have been informing you for 3 years Diarco about this like many people and they don't do anything for the merchandise or for the people who work there.

  • Lucy Hass

    Lucy Hass


    The variety of products is wide and good prices to buy wholesale They have varied offers by bulk The negative is the lack of ventilation and cooling of the premises in times when temperatures are very high and THE SLOWNESS OF THE BOXES! They do not have express checkouts even though they sell retail too, so if you are going to buy few products, prepare to wait hours in lines It is convenient to be close to Barrio Autonomia, but several times we went back without buying because of the long waits in the boxes A pity for those of us who do not buy wholesale

  • Pedro Pablo Lopez

    Pedro Pablo Lopez


    Good morning From a wholesaler with good prices for both groceries, cleaning and perfumery, they always have carrying 5 or 6 products, it is cheaper than taking 1 or 2.

  • Dr. Christian Rubisz

    Dr. Christian Rubisz


    Wide place. Parking is easy, it is not very crowded from 2pm to 5pm, there are not many brands but there is an important variety of products. Always good prices on drinks and cold cuts. What is unacceptable is the lack of air conditioning at least even if it is!

  • Agustin Romero

    Agustin Romero


    I visited this wholesale supermarket. I found good prices and opportunities for wholesale purchase, which is its main objective and also retail products that are not seen in other super. I give it 3 stars because it lacks a cooling system. I understand that it can be very expensive but I imagine that on days that exceed 40 degrees it must be difficult to travel those halls through the heat. In addition, it lacks an exclusive sector for gluten-free products and those that exist, for example, gluten-free matarazo noodles are together with gluten-free products, that is, there is cross contamination.

najbliższy Supermarket

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