Finca Lomas Blancas w Villa Sanagasta

ArgentynaFinca Lomas Blancas



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Ruta Nacional 75, F5301, Villa Sanagasta, Sanagasta, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 380 425-0074
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -29.298082, Longitude: -67.0256983

komentarze 5

  • Rosi Zamora

    Rosi Zamora


    Beautiful scenery, delicious food, excellent wine, a quiet place with a beautiful view of the vineyards... I loved it!!

  • Genaro Dellepiane

    Genaro Dellepiane


    Excellent attention, beautiful farm in the middle of the mountains. We had breakfast as a family, an unforgettable experience. They made us feel at home🥰

  • Julieta Verónica Malvido

    Julieta Verónica Malvido


    The place is very beautiful, picturesque, colorful, lots of vegetation. Beautiful place. A pity The attention, 40 minutes to bring you only the drink, the food comes out by part, the portions are very small, compared to other places. The tables did not have tablecloths or Sevilleteros, we asked for them and they were never brought. Too much delay in everything. Nothing that cannot be improved for future tourists!

  • Sergio Diaz

    Sergio Diaz


    Beautiful place, full of green, plants... But if they ask for a snack, they should go at 1:00 p.m. so the order arrives at 5:30 p.m. They can't take so long to place an order... I'll tell you: We arrived at 4:30 p.m., 40 minutes to bring the menu, they had nothing on the menu, neither invoice nor creole anything, and that they offered many delicious and tempting things... We asked for the simplest since they had nothing (coffee with milk, toast, sweet and butter) ... To make it quick ... It arrived at 6:30 p.m. PART of the order (toast and rich sweet peaches, butter did not have) Type 19.10 the coffee arrives... The sugar was missing... Cold coffee and it seems that they beat it with powdered milk full of lumps... the worst experience... I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT... a pity... the tourists who arrived left for the same situation... review the demand of the place and place more personnel last to cover the demand and add or eliminate what they do not have in their letter. It's just a suggestion that I won't see it because I won't be back. They didn't feel like taking a picture...

  • Alejandro Cordoba

    Alejandro Cordoba


    Very good option to enjoy beautiful views of the town and taste delicious dishes or sweet things. Excellent atention. Some details to improve in relation to quality, presentation and prices, but they are the least important when the idea is to have a good time. Highly recommended.

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