Hotel Nerja w GUG

ArgentynaHotel Nerja


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

353, Mendoza Sur, J5402, GUG, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 264 421-5214
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -31.5386111, Longitude: -68.5258333

komentarze 5

  • Luis Barrientos

    Luis Barrientos


    Simple hotel, extremely comfortable, they provide you with an electric kettle, and a minibar if you do not want to go out to eat. Air-conditioned room, super clean, tidy and quiet in the heart of the city. Really 100% recommended

  • Agustin Chumbita

    Agustin Chumbita


    The location of the place is a spectacle, since it is located one block from the center of San Juan, in terms of the rooms they are ideal for a person looking for a place to sleep near the center, but in terms of attention it leaves much to be desired. want. The first day of stay we were given towels and other hygiene items, after the first day, they never bothered to provide us with hygiene items again. The place has the basic amenities, the only thing they did not offer us was wi Fi, we repeatedly asked for the password and it was in "maintenance", and the keys that were in the room did not match the networks.

  • Rosana Caversazzi

    Rosana Caversazzi


    Very good everything, super comfortable beds, tv and wi fi. No breakfast, dispense hot and cold water. Very good attention from Nelson. The only detail is the garage that apart from it is a parking lot that regularly fills up, you have to walk a few meters with bags along the sidewalk.

  • Eduardo Pytak

    Eduardo Pytak


    Spacious, clean and complete room. The bathroom very well, good hot water, neat and spacious, with a hair dryer. Very modest price in relation to the service, I recommend! Those who say it's expensive don't know how much they want to pay, there's nothing in San Juan for that price except a couple of filthy hostels. They give you a voucher for the garage and if you need to enter after 8 they open it for you.

  • Martin Milan

    Martin Milan



najbliższy Kwatera

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