Odontología Estética Castelar w Castelar

ArgentynaOdontología Estética Castelar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

892, Timbúes, B1712, Castelar, Morón, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 11 4629-2828
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -34.6512906, Longitude: -58.6418871

komentarze 5

  • María Pia Soler

    María Pia Soler


    My son's orthodontist is very sweet, we have had bad experiences in the past in other places but Dr. Arias has the patience it takes to work with children. So far we are very satisfied with the work done.

  • Yamila Fernandes

    Yamila Fernandes


    They always treated me in a very kind way, I am very satisfied with everyone! Cristina is excellent, very professional, and her team is the same! 100% recommendable!

  • Mirta Lopez

    Mirta Lopez


    Excellent care from Dr. Camila

  • Ezequiel Vazquez

    Ezequiel Vazquez


    4 MONTHS AGO I WANT TO GET TURN!! A total lack of respect on the part of the useless people who answer the phone and manage the agenda, I'm going to find who is responsible for this place

  • Silvana Moretti

    Silvana Moretti


    A bad experience!! I went with my 8-year-old daughter to the first consultation and to begin with, Dr. Dino opened her mouth without gloves ... beyond that he did not put his hand inside in this context it is unacceptable. I'll dispatch us in 10 minutes. At the second consultation after they had canceled my shift twice, I arrive and realize that I had forgotten my studies in the car, so I had to go look for them (the car was one block away) when the receptionist returned to the office one Little more "challenges" me for forgetting and then Dr. Dino also rebukes me that what had happened with the studies? that I had a 12.40 turn and it was 12.52 as if I were a creature. I am a very punctual person and I felt totally mistreated by those minutes that I took them to the Doctor's lunch. Then when he explained what he was going to do with my daughter's orthodontics, he did not give me the information or the restraint that was necessary for me. Clearly removed everything from there and went to find another place with PROFESSIONALS.

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