Restaurante Cuatrovientos w San Javier

ArgentynaRestaurante Cuatrovientos



🕗 godziny otwarcia

San Javier, Córdoba, Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 3544 48-2140
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -32.0350353, Longitude: -65.0348588

komentarze 5

  • Lucía Fernández

    Lucía Fernández


    A very nice atmosphere, very tasty dishes we ordered and excellent service.

  • marite fuentes

    marite fuentes


    Great! Exquisite dishes, pleasant and efficient service surrounded by an extremely charming natural environment. It is an unmissable gourmet gastronomy in San Javier!!

  • Carolina Cova

    Carolina Cova


    The food is exquisite. Dishes well presented, served and seasoned. The atmosphere is very nice. There are 2 dogs, apparently from the place that roam between the tables. Not really nice for a restaurant. They also do not accept debit cards that require a PIN (1st place they tell me that)

  • Yan Vitorgan

    Yan Vitorgan


    We wanted to go twice in low season, once it was closed on a Friday before its closing time and on the second attempt on Saturday they told us at 10:15 p.m. that we had to leave before 11 p.m. because they closed the salon. Very strange for a restaurant that serves dinner. In any case, I dedicate this little star to the owner who responds very aggressively to any negative comment.

  • mariana casalia

    mariana casalia


    The place is very cute and the ambiance is super cozy. They have a beautiful garden where to have your meals and drinks as well. The food is on the gourmet side with small size portions so be aware of this if you prefer simple food.

najbliższy Restauracja

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