Ayflo w Merlo




🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, Los Almendros, D5881, Merlo, Junín, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 2656 47-0578
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -32.3444462, Longitude: -65.0128715

komentarze 5

  • Viviana Gabriela Ayala

    Viviana Gabriela Ayala


    A lot has changed, and I have been traveling to Merlo for more than 10 years. We went and there was no variety of things to snack on. Everything we could there was not. The alfajores are still delicious. But attention fell on Merlo.

  • Lourdes Cabral

    Lourdes Cabral


    Very rich and abundant, reasonable prices and excellent service. The only serious call for attention regarding the delay in bringing the dishes, there were hardly any people and it took around 40 minutes the rest excellent

  • Gala



    Excellent service, always super friendly. The menu is quite extensive, the dishes abundant, and they have good options for promos and prices. Very cozy and warm atmosphere.

  • Mariano Cunille

    Mariano Cunille


    Excellent place with beautiful garden for breakfast or snack. Many options of super bowls rich in Chocolate, Marroc, Coconut and other additives that make a regular coffee a Super coffee. Recommended to go with family and / or as a couple. They have a collection of very rich sweets. Of the places that have open air, the most recommended to visit. The waiter is a macanudo barbarian. Go!!!

  • Sebastian Olmos

    Sebastian Olmos


    Excellent attention! Really very careful. They took the time for my children and us to choose what we wanted. We snack on smoothies, coffee and beer, with delicious sandwiches of matambre uno and bondiola with pear and Roquefort. Delicious! We also ate their alfajores. The fruit one is delicious! We also take home jam and a box of alfajores. Moderate prices. Spotless bathrooms. We will be back!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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