Banco de la Nación Argentina - Anexo Operativo i Florencio Varela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco de la Nación Argentina - Anexo Operativo



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2923, Juan Bautista Alberdi, B1888, Florencio Varela, Florencio Varela, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 810-666-4444
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.8059371, Longitude: -58.2733465

kommentar 5

  • Luis Daniel Saavedra

    Luis Daniel Saavedra


    With several ATMs, a spacious room with chairs to wait for procedures with heating and air conditioning, various procedures for PAMI collection, work plan and other card delivery

  • Liliana Sandri

    Liliana Sandri


    Good attention

  • Jaquelin Chejolan

    Jaquelin Chejolan


    They give you false information, they mistreat you verbally and if you defend yourself even though you don't disrespect them, they want to get you out safely, you have to report them to the prosecutor's office, there are already many of us who receive this treatment, the manager herself laughs in your face

  • Ces Le Mhyte

    Ces Le Mhyte


    Humiliating treatment of the disabled, retirees and pensioners. They are ignored, despised, discriminated against and treated as human remains. The security personnel, together with the police of the corresponding jurisdiction, are in charge of extolling human miseries by force of abuse of authority and lack of psychopedagogical training. There are people who faint, who cry and who are distressed within the banking establishment itself and are laughed at very wickedly. Likewise, there is usually a plainclothes girl, dressed in black, with her hair tied back, of medium height, black eyes, with brown skin, who claims to be from the security forces and with great arrogance and coarseness, with a great lack of vocabulary, Verbally runs over Bank customers, with clear signs of violent behavioral changes. Not only Anses should take action on the matter, but even the Inadi and the Human Rights Commission, which work in the District.

  • Refugios revista cultural

    Refugios revista cultural


    Repeated complaints of humiliation in the treatment of people with disabilities as well as retirees and pensioners. Verbal and physical violence (insults, contempt, bullying, for example). The security personnel together with the police of the corresponding jurisdiction, by dint of abuse of authority and lack of empathy, are the main ones identified. Complaints were also received referring to false security personnel who are present at the bank, to intimidate people who are only waiting to collect their assets, and even take the audacity of wanting to use ATMs "to speed up their collections". Likewise, of the ATMs installed there, there are usually at most two in working order. Per se clear and evident, that a thorough investigation is needed about the serious situation that exists in this branch of Banco Nación de la República Argentina.

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