Banco Galicia w Mar del Plata

ArgentynaBanco Galicia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3156, Avenida Independencia, B7620, Mar del Plata, General Pueyrredón, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 810-777-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -38.0080205, Longitude: -57.5621483

komentarze 5

  • P D

    P D


    The schedule that appears on the Internet is incorrect... the cashier hours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Norma Varela

    Norma Varela


    I'm calling from Tandil to see if they send me the debit card; and they don't answer the calls, the only thing missing is that I have to travel so they can confirm if they sent it🤦‍♀️

  • Mauro Blanco

    Mauro Blanco


    Very good attention

  • Maximiliano Gómez

    Maximiliano Gómez


    Very bad attention, in addition to what we all already know (they never want to work). The quality is poor, the attention too. The employees are redundant, they think that because they work in a bank they look at you from above. Without a doubt one of the worst banks in the country. And at the city level and quality of employees, one of the worst in mdp, if not the worst. The tel or they have for decoration, they never pay attention. I do not recommend it

  • Emma Fossati

    Emma Fossati


    Bad attention of the work staff. You go with a problem that you can't solve online (which should be solved), and they serve you reluctantly. Even some workers are not trained enough for the position they hold.

najbliższy Bank

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