Banco Provincia 5008 i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco Provincia 5008



🕗 åbningstider

714, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4740-1798
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4590177, Longitude: -58.6315134

kommentar 5

  • Mariano Gonzalez

    Mariano Gonzalez


    Now these scourges ask for a health pass too... by law it's not mandatory, I have money and I can't withdraw it.

  • Mabel Maidana

    Mabel Maidana


    The organization of Banco Provincia is terrible. Inoperative, rude, unfit for work employees. Educated people are supposed to work, I don't know if they have a degree, but in practice they are not worth $ 2 of the salary they receive. Banco Prov de Tigre is the same.

  • Maty Cruz

    Maty Cruz


    A disaster the unexpected truth treatment from account executives especially position 1

  • Giulyysamy Coronel

    Giulyysamy Coronel


    A disaster. They are withholding money from me from the branch, since I have no debts or a credit card. I call and they don't answer the phone. Today is 09/14 and there is only a turn for 11/03

  • Liliana Corbijn

    Liliana Corbijn


    Disaster. I went to pay the Reba. They told me they don't charge there. They sent me to the delegation, they didn't charge me either. They sent me back to the bank ... Get fired if you don't want to work. Good thing I want to pay a tax ..

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