Cabañas del Cerro i San Rafael

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ArgentinaCabañas del Cerro



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RP 173 km 17,9 Valle Grande, M5605 San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 260 430-7965
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.797845, Longitude: -68.451889

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Lapiana

    Roberto Lapiana


    They have everything you can ask for. Good attention, spacious and quiet place (although it depends on the other passengers, obviously...) The only strangely bad thing was the bathroom in the room, small and out of context... Everything was very clean, nice and functional except for the bathroom, which I had none of that, it seemed from another place! Anyway, I would go back without any problem.

  • Cristian Gregorio

    Cristian Gregorio


    The place is in an unbeatable location, facing the river. The attention of the staff is correct. The "cabins" leave a lot to be desired. The 2-seater beds were 2 together, which kept opening and making rest uncomfortable. We lived the 2 days with a rotten smell that came from the bathroom. We made the claim and they told us that it was from a dead animal, basically they took our hair. Breakfast is mediocre. It is the third time that I attend the establishment, unfortunately it will be the last.

  • Luis Guterzon

    Luis Guterzon


    The beautiful natural environment. The cabins are fine. They should be renewed, for example the heating, they should have balanced draft stoves, I think it is dangerous to have a stove without an outlet to the outside. The room to share with the family is very nice and opens onto a terrace with a beautiful view, they should be renovated, put a refrigerator, there is a freezer that works as a refrigerator and hardly cools, I had to throw food that did not resist in that refrigerator that did not maintains the cold chain. Employees very helpful and friendly

  • Juan Paulo Funes

    Juan Paulo Funes



  • Luis Batallan

    Luis Batallan


    Nice place with wonderful view to the river and the mountains. Also good attention from service personnel

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