Cafeteria De La Villa w Villa Icho Cruz

ArgentynaCafeteria De La Villa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

445, Avenida Concordia, Villa Icho Cruz, Punilla, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 3541 32-6033
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -31.47948, Longitude: -64.5703079

komentarze 5

  • violeta varela

    violeta varela


    Hi, we went for a snack with my boyfriend's family. We arrived and it took them 15 minutes to take our order. And to bring it 45 min 🤐🤐 and they didn't even bring things right! 😅 But hey. These are things to improve, they have to be more attentive because I think that if we got up and left without paying or noticing they would notice

  • Santiago Pardo

    Santiago Pardo


    The attention was very good, the only thing that happened to us was that the girl who served us brought the infusions little by little, totally understandable since you cannot cross that bridge, even with children or an elderly person. They should improve the infrastructure of the place. Otherwise very satisfied, I would go again.

  • Vale Avila

    Vale Avila


    The place is nice and the attention is good, but they had almost nothing on the menu and they made us change our order about three times because in the end they didn't have any left

  • Blanca Nardi

    Blanca Nardi


    Nice place. Excellent attention. Very rich and abundant snack 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • Maria Florencia Grimaldi

    Maria Florencia Grimaldi


    We went for a snack and tried: croissants, puddings, toast, fruit salad, frape and mocachinno. The croissants are rich. But the pudding is packaged, it tastes like the one you eat for Christmas. The truth disappointed me a lot. The fruit salad is a cocktail from a can. Also the pastafrola was very good. The place is very nice and they serve well.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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