Calafate Hostel y Hostería HI i El Calafate

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ArgentinaCalafate Hostel y Hostería HI



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1226, Gobernador Moyano, 9405, El Calafate, Lago Argentino, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2902 49-2450
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Latitude: -50.336106, Longitude: -72.267392

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mathias Weber


    One of the best Hostels I’ve ever stayed in. The rooms are spacious, clean and more like a good hotel room than a hostel class. Also they have floor heating which is awesome after coming back from a long cold hike. Sorry aft is friendly and all worked well. The best part: it is CHEAP :). Come here is you want a good point to explore the region and want to reload your batteries for the next day! (Only their walls are kind of thin)

  • Simon Černe

    Simon Černe


    Very friendly reception stuff. Nice rooms and clean kitchen and bathrooms.

  • en

    Danilo Silveira


    I stayed at the El Calafate Hostel for about a week. During that time I was positively surprised by the way that I was treated by the staff, specially Leon. Everyone was really nice and helpful which made me feel very welcome. The private room I got was also a very pleasant surprise. It was clean and well maintained. The bathroom was spacious and the shower was very good as well, though the curtain is too close to the water flow and kept grabbing onto me while I showered (I find that very annoying) . Overall it was much better then I expected. The common areas were good enough with lots of room to sit and a fairly big kitchen. Attached to the hostel there is a restaurant that I'd surely recommend for a lamb burger. Unfortunately the breakfast served by this same restaurant could be improved from my perspective. The service was good as mentioned before but the breakfast consisted basically of white bread, coffee, milk, water and orange juice. I got one (sometimes only half) slice of cheese and another one of ham and that's it. Extra cheese, for example, would be charged. In my last day there was only bread. I'd like to see some improvements in that area in a next stay.

  • Eduardo Alberton

    Eduardo Alberton


    Charm and comfortable place. They all can do for help with your stay at the hostel to be the best.

  • en

    Ben Guest


    Leon and the staff were really organised and helped plan and book the next part of our trip. Would recommend.

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