Consultorio Odontologico Odent i Florencio Varela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaConsultorio Odontologico Odent



🕗 åbningstider

211, Doctor Salvador Sallares, B1888, Florencio Varela, Florencio Varela, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 5501-9555
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.8079469, Longitude: -58.2744696

kommentar 5

  • Flor ME

    Flor ME


    I attended with the dentist and the dentist who attend there. I had three very expensive implants, of which two are very poorly done. They never wanted to take responsibility for the horrible job they did to me, I sought opinions from different dentists and they all agree that the work they did to me is very poorly done, they cannot believe that people who say they have studied dentistry and have license plates, have done such a job bad. I have been dealing with what they did to me for years, which has brought me many problems and they never wanted to take responsibility. Don't be served in this place!! They are bad professionals, poorly prepared. The only thing they are interested in is profiting from patients, who for them are just customers.

  • Karina H. Gomez

    Karina H. Gomez


    Excellent 👍🏽👌🏼✨, for years I have been treating myself with the same Dr. .. the place is very comfortable, it complies with protocol

  • Santiago Smith

    Santiago Smith


    Excellent place, very good prices and a lot of education from the professionals.

  • Maia Lamiral

    Maia Lamiral


    They don't fix well and they charge very expensive

  • wang dario

    wang dario


    the truth is a disaster, I went to get a death and I check that another tooth has tooth decay to fix it. And they charged me 1800 pesos cariel fix plus 800 extraction. After caries fix almost a month with pain call and I was fixed another Once and still in pain at home, I called him a doctor again. I also did not get well again, and last time I called back for a shift and they didn't answer me anymore. all bad very bad ,,,

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