Correo Argentino i Florencio Varela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCorreo Argentino



🕗 åbningstider

3212, España 201, B1888, Florencio Varela, Florencio Varela, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4891-9191
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.8092185, Longitude: -58.2761362

kommentar 5

  • Karina Dittrich

    Karina Dittrich


    I was waiting for the package all day and it never arrived hard face says address closed 😡

  • Silvia georgina Gonzalez

    Silvia georgina Gonzalez


    You have to come with time even if it is a pim pum pam procedure. They attend to one and they go to mess around and then they continue attending. Appalling. The security good vibes

  • Luciana C

    Luciana C


    This Argentine mail is quite good, one of the best, whenever I went to pick up a package it was quick and easy. The employees were friendly. I left satisfied, I will continue choosing this branch to pick up packages!

  • Gustavo Guerrero

    Gustavo Guerrero


    They don't fulfill home deliveries!!! On top of that you report it and they get angry! The primary purpose of the Post and they do not fulfill it, and they charge you very expensive... free market, avoid the option

  • Daniel Vaquel

    Daniel Vaquel


    Bad organization, to deliver a MercadoLibre package, which literally takes 2 minutes since it is only scanning the barcode they put you in the same line with people who are for other longer procedures. I had to take 1 hour to deliver a single package. Get your batteries with the organization, it can not be.

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