Del toro i Longchamps

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaDel toro



🕗 åbningstider

1280, Manuel Belgrano, Longchamps, Almirante Brown, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 6804-8203
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.8583814, Longitude: -58.3864005

kommentar 5

  • Eliana Triszez

    Eliana Triszez


    We ordered the hot table ($4100) first, which is very expensive for what it brings, as you can see in the image, the raw things, fresh out of the freezer, white and with a "fridge" flavor. Worst of all, we gave them the meatballs back to cook them well and they brought them back THE SAME microwaved apparently because the plate was hot. In addition to bad attention, they take time for everything, even the ice was difficult for them to give you.

  • Daniela Alejandra Vargas

    Daniela Alejandra Vargas


    Attention and fast food (hot and rich), large plate, fair price.

  • Stella Maris Alloni

    Stella Maris Alloni


    It eats very rich and the attention is excellent

  • Andrea Ledesma

    Andrea Ledesma


    1 ⭐ given that last night we ordered a barbecue (delivery) again and they failed as always in cooking the chitterlings and this time they came stuffed with corn kernels! Obviously this is a fault of others since it refers to the feeding of the cow. But as regards the point of the soft chinchu as always, the hard roast. The only thing that safaba was the black pudding the kidney and empty. Terrible quality-price 👎

  • tashy kun

    tashy kun



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