El Nene De Keen w Luján

ArgentynaEl Nene De Keen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Camino a carlos keen 11.20 km, B6701 Luján, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 2323 58-3917
strona internetowej: elnenedekeen.com.ar
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -34.4768484, Longitude: -59.2290842

komentarze 5

  • Andrea Levy

    Andrea Levy


    Very nice place. Excellent attention. All food very tasty. Very abundant. To pass I say the day yes. It has children's games and a large field

  • Javier Hernan Gomez

    Javier Hernan Gomez


    A very pleasant experience in a country restaurant. The first time I go to a place where my table is reserved for more than five (5) hours, there is no rush to order, nobody rushes you for the next dish, it seemed like a very good option. We had a very pleasant afternoon. The extremely cordial, attentive human team; As an idea of ​​improvement, the girl who attended our sector was saturated, even so the service was good. The menu is fixed and free in the main dishes. They welcome you with focaccia with candied tomatoes, then an appetizer of very tasty cold cuts. As a main course we ordered a barbecue (offal, roast, empty, pork breast, and grilled vegetables), with salad (arugula, tomatoes, egg and carrot) and French fries. They offer you a non-alcoholic drink (1 liter of soda or 1.5 liters of flavored water) every two adults, you can add another drink for a normal cost. The barbecue for 4 was abundant, we could not request another. Two of the group ordered a plate of pasta, which turned out to be good, fresh and of good quality. Then we spent some time on the patio, having an extended conversation. When the afternoon arrived, they offered us some delicious fried cakes as a snack. In terms of prices, the cost-quality ratio is good. Recommendable.

  • Laura Botti

    Laura Botti


    Much to comment. Attention: impeccable, we got a waitress candle, a divine one. Food: a lot!!! The meat is buttery, the offal very good. The picada very good, mental note do not eat it with bread, to save space for what follows! Pumpkin ravioli, super soft and rich. Desserts: bread pudding… 10 points. Almond, it was good. The provoleta was the only bad thing, it was past, overcooked. We complained and since it is off the menu, they did not charge it. The waitress offered to bring another one, but by that time we couldn't get any more food. At 4:00 p.m. they distribute fried cakes, I couldn't eat anymore I didn't try them You can spend the day on the property, I recommend you bring mate, blanket or folding chairs to spend the afternoon, since there are many people in the area of ​​the tables... It would lack umbrellas or some protection from the sun to lie on the grass after eating so much. If you stay until sunset you can not only see the sun go down, but also assemble and take off a balloon. Tour not suitable for any pocket, $25,000 and the truth is that 6 people entered, all crowded together... Summary, a nice place to go early (opens at 12) to eat and spend the day. If you come from the capital… patience with the return.

  • Cristina Pacazochi

    Cristina Pacazochi


    Very rich food, pasta and free grill, Cande's attention always attentive that we will not lack anything, clean bathrooms, pleasant environment to spend the day. We were lucky to find a table, you have to make a reservation. They don't accept credit card.

  • Sebastian Cirelli

    Sebastian Cirelli


    Excellent Service and Magnificent Food!!! The facilities invite you to relax in a totally familiar environment and a pleasant view of the countryside. The menu Highly recommended, from the entrance to the Desserts!!! Without a doubt we will return!!!

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