El Viejo Marino w Ushuaia

ArgentynaEl Viejo Marino



🕗 godziny otwarcia

227, Avenida Maipú, V9410, Ushuaia, Ushuaia, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -54.8062745, Longitude: -68.3009576

komentarze 5

  • Tito A

    Tito A


    Excellent food and service. Great quality for a very competitive price. Highly recommended!!

  • Fellipe silva martins

    Fellipe silva martins


    A bit on the tourist side, one needs to be early to get a table (we were the first clients of the day, but it got packed up pretty quickly). The main options are seefood and fish. We went for the king crab - it was good but the side dishes were bland. So in the end, nothing to write home about.

  • adam pham

    adam pham


    My favorite restaurant in this town. The food taste amazing. Skip Isabel next door and come to here instead. You won’t be disappointed. They really let the food speak for itself. Yummy

  • Brent Timm

    Brent Timm


    The definition of a tourist trap. Yes, it’s cool to eat an entire king crab, but you’ll find better crab all over the world. Service was extremely poor. We never got bread and they didn’t even bring us the scissors needed to cut the crab until we chased them down to ask. Don’t believe this is good food just because there’s a giant line. The rice and salad that accompanies the crab were so incredibly BLAND. My friend and I left so disappointed, and still hungry. Also, they didn’t even include butter to dip the crab into. Maybe that’s not traditional but the crab just didn’t have a food flavor to it by itself. We’ve had crab that was 10x better in places like Minnesota and non coastal areas. Skip it!

  • Dave B

    Dave B


    Hole in the wall with best price on king crab in the city. Quality can be a little varied (not consistent on size of the crab) but you really can’t beat a huge crab for 4400 (22usd at blue rate) and a crisp bottle of white wine for 500 peso.

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