Estadio Alberto J. Armando i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaEstadio Alberto J. Armando


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805, Brandsen, 1161, Comuna 4, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4309-4700
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6356109, Longitude: -58.3647563

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ricardo Ivan Mejail


    I strongly recommend visiting it, you should take the complete VIP our (around 15 USD). It's the most famous stadium in Argentina and it"s museum is a great place to see if you"re a soccer fan.

  • Guilherme Torres

    Guilherme Torres


    The stadium it's self is really beautiful and the museum is a must for football lovers. But the guided tour is really fun, the guide is always telling jokes and curious thing about the place and the time. Even if don't like football, is a must if you are in Buenos Aires!

  • en

    Daniel Hommrich


    One of the best stadiums I have visited so far. Sure, Boca is a huge name and usually these don't live up to the expectations, but here I was not disappointed. The atmosphere is brilliant, the stadium one of a kind and the club has so many stories to tell, you won't get bored for a while. Can't say anything about the tourist tours to matches though, decide yourself if you think it's worth the price.

  • en

    Fran Calvo


    Boca Juniors' historical stadium. A must-see for football fans, better in a match. You can have a tour to see the whole stadium from inside and a shop to buy the team's equipment.

  • Lubomir Mitev

    Lubomir Mitev


    I had a great visit to the Boca stadium and the visitor's center is incredible. I was fascinated to see all the memorabilia and to enjoy the experience that has been created for the fans within a very confined space. The short walk onto one of the stands offers a unique perspective of the field and the unique architecture of the stadium. I can only imagine how incredible this place is during a game.

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