Hostel Achalay i San Carlos de Bariloche

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ArgentinaHostel Achalay



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564, Morales, San Carlos de Bariloche, Bariloche, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 294 429-2055
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.1374588, Longitude: -71.3101196

kommentar 5

  • Juan Pablo Benítez

    Juan Pablo Benítez


    Best hostel in south americA

  • Patricia Schumacher

    Patricia Schumacher


    Place is clean and has a free eggs and home made bread and jelly. The hosts are super helpful and answer all your questions. The hostel is small and it allows people to get to know each other.

  • Danny Roa

    Danny Roa


    Place is pretty run down. Hand soap ran out on all bathrooms when I was there. It get noisy even after midnight since some guests would play games in the common area.

  • Diptarka Gupta

    Diptarka Gupta


    This is probably one of my best hostel experience so far in South America. Wonderful owners and the people working there. It is a nice and clean family hostel and they have dorms along with private rooms. The breakfast(which is included) is really good. They prepare fresh bread everyday and jam. Coffee, tea and mate are available as well for breakfast. And if you want scrambled eggs they make it for you.

  • marelise venter

    marelise venter


    The staff and owner were super friendly and helpful!! The room we stayed in was so cute, comfortable and cozy. The hostel's location is great, not right on the tourist drag (which I appreciate), but you can walk there in 5min. Everything about the hostel was welcoming.

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