Hostel Lagares i Mendoza

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHostel Lagares



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213, Corrientes, 5500, Capital, Mendoza, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 261 423-4727
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.8825414, Longitude: -68.8335585

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert Driver


    Absolutely awesome! Great lockers, spotlessly clean, friendly backpackers and ALL the staff are super helpful!

  • Joe Sale

    Joe Sale


    Excellent hostel. Very friendly atmosphere with helpful staff who organise lots of different activities and excursions. The breakfast is great and the beds are comfortable enough. Definitely recommend staying here

  • en

    Joe Robinson


    The staff absolutely make this place, they are generally wonderful, incredibly helpful and with great english. Beds and bathrooms were all kept clean and it's in a good location to walk to the main strip in the town. I don't give it 5 stars because the breakfast is one of the more limited ones we have had on our travels, and our private room was directly below the communal balcony area with any movement of chairs or people above being incredibly noisy in the room. I'm fine with general noise and people enjoying themselves in hostels but one night a party was going on way past 12, with loud music being played and then people stamping their chairs on the roof (it was AC/DC's Thunder in particular which set that off, which as a fan I would normally be fine with, if it wasnt reverberating around my head as I tried to fall asleep!). Unfortunately I had to go out and ask for a little consideration that night rather than staff doing so, but perhaps we were just unlucky on that occasion!

  • en

    Donna A


    Owner and staff incredibly nice and accommodating. Very clean. Decent breakfast. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Vincent Baker


    Staff are great and knowledgeable and have a list of activities tied to guides so book at the front desk. Rooms are tidy and clean, cooling is great and showers were good. Out door area is very nice to relax after a day out

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