Hotel Europa i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHotel Europa



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1294, Bartolomé Mitre, C1036, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4384-8360
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6075946, Longitude: -58.3847606

kommentar 5

  • es

    Diego Rodriz


    Buena anteción del personal y una ubicación muy buena en pleno centro, costo normal.

  • carcis anwalt

    carcis anwalt


    Buena atencion por parte de los empleados. Las instalaciones y demás, son adecuadas al precio. Muy buena ubicacion en pleno centro.

  • Maite Zaldarriaga

    Maite Zaldarriaga


    Lugar limpio y cómodo. Muy bien atendidos. Algo malo las habitaciones chicas.

  • Juan Manuel Rifo Vecchiato

    Juan Manuel Rifo Vecchiato


    All pay in advance, like if you were a thief. Theay treat you like if you were a homeless and they has the only one hotel in town. Its expensive, dirty and old. Just the cleaning lady was friendly. The night and morning staff were terrible. Necer return to that hotel. The walls are dirty, old, the bed was very old also. In front of the hotel exist another one and its the same price but its beautiful. I dont know how exist Hotels like Europa Hotel.

  • en

    Kristen Castro


    The hotel was aesthetically very nice. However our room did not have a safe as promised online, in addition the room got FREEZING during the evening times and there was absolutely no heat. It might be a nicer hotel for the summer time but to not have heat in the winter was really rough, especially for me as I was recovering from a cough/cold. Wouldn't stay again.

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