Hotel Mustapic i Ushuaia

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ArgentinaHotel Mustapic


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230, Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, V9410, Ushuaia, Ushuaia, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2901 42-1718
internet side:
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Latitude: -54.8074865, Longitude: -68.3138896

kommentar 5

  • en



    Inexpensive but in the town center and with friendly staff

  • en

    יובל גילור


    The hotel looks and works in a very retro-way, like it's in the 90's. The atmosphere is nice. The breakfast is quit basic (toasts, butter, jam, coffee). The room is tiny. The stuff is really nice and really helpful. Location is very good, though there is a climbing back to the hotel from the main street.

  • Rob Verboven

    Rob Verboven


    Nice hotel, with extremely nice staff. Good bed (but small) and good shower. The top floor has an excellent view over the town and Beagle channel. This is also the floor where the free breakfast is served. On the other hand the hotel looks a bit outdated. Our room is small and a bit hot (temperature seems regulated centrally) so we just opend the window. Overall recommended.

  • N. P

    N. P


    Friendly staff at this family-run hotel made us feel welcome from the get go & the owner was a really nice, professional man who asked us to review this accommodation in an honest manner. Family-run, friendly, basic hotel. Rooms not great but excellent location. We had a ground-floor room which was away from the road but we could hear (absolutely) everything that our neighbours (on either side) were doing... Breakfast was included in our rate but consisted of toast, medialunes/mini-croissants, cheese spread, cherry jam, tea & coffee. Oh and dulce de lecche of course! Price was affordable too. Room not in great condition - worn down, small and not entirely clean either. Annoying also that heating was switched on without asking first, resulting in baking temperatures in our room! ONLY reception can adjust/switch heating on & off so we had to continually return to reception to request that the heating be switched off. Nice views towards the bay/beagle canal on 3rd floor dining area.

  • Ben Powell

    Ben Powell


    Decent hotel with free breakfast. The rooms are comfortable and the staff are extremely helpful and friendly. The price for the room is competitive with similar places in Ushuaia which is a very expensive town for accommodation (and everything else).

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