Hotel Panamericano Bariloche i San Carlos de Bariloche

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaHotel Panamericano Bariloche



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536, San Martín, San Carlos de Bariloche, Bariloche, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 294 440-9200
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.1336101, Longitude: -71.316596

kommentar 5

  • Jefferson Bettini

    Jefferson Bettini


    Excellent accommodation and services. Quite expensive, but worth each pencil.

  • en

    Leandro Dores


    Near downtown. Kind Service. Complete breakfast.

  • Juan Manuel Fluxà

    Juan Manuel Fluxà


    This was a 5 star hotel perhaps 30 years ago. The rooms are dated and need urgently renovating, especially the bathrooms which are small and rundown. If you stay during a weekend, beware of the cars passing playing loud music by the front street at night. The staff was friendly.

  • en



    Wonderful hotel clean and very comfortable, great staff!

  • Sergio Iovanovich

    Sergio Iovanovich


    I chose this Hotel because it is a well recognized hotel, and because I needed WiFi for work and personal reasons. Never during the 4 days of my stay at the Hotel I had WiFi working in my room and very weak in the Lobby. This represented a big problem for me, and despite the fact that I complaint several times at the reception desk, no solution was offered to me during the for days. In general it's qualified as one of the best in Bariloche. This shouldn't happen nowadays in a Hotel of that category. Besides, this issue, the room, breakfast, swimming pool and service (not counting the incident of the Wi-Fi) was very good.

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