ICBC Suc Colon w Mendoza

ArgentynaICBC Suc Colon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

399, Avenida Colón, M5500, Capital, Mendoza, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 810-444-4652
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -32.8938971, Longitude: -68.8453387

komentarze 5




    The worst Bank...they never answer, they assign you an account officer who plays at sending WhatsApp messages but when you want to talk, they don't answer the phone...they aren't expeditious at all, they don't solve anything, on the contrary.

  • verushka kt

    verushka kt


    The wait is endless for them to serve you. You have to be prepared to lose the whole morning!! Disastrous attention!

  • Andrea Urra

    Andrea Urra


    Access banking technical support is poorly trained, users know more than they do, a shame!

  • Alberto Germán Cuello

    Alberto Germán Cuello


    Bad experience. An employee gasped during the conversation and to hide it she placed a permufe in front of me. The combination? It was like riding a 0km in which someone had forgotten an open bottle of milk in the trunk. I recommended eating more fiber to her, and she recommended another bank. Then we dated for 6 months, but that's another story.

  • Lucia G

    Lucia G


    The truth is that it is a secondary ATM when I cannot withdraw money from another bank and although I have not had a problem there is no cleaning with the issue of the paper of the withdrawal tickets, which means that I cannot give it five stars, however it is a place where I have always found cash So it fulfills its function of cashier. About the bank I do not think because I am a client of another but I imagine that it is good.

najbliższy Bank

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