Jaque Mate Hostel i Mendoza

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaJaque Mate Hostel



🕗 åbningstider

780, Olascoaga, M5500, Capital, Mendoza, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 261 555-7116
internet side: www.jaquematehostel.com.ar
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -32.891445, Longitude: -68.854648

kommentar 5

  • Rocio Escobar

    Rocio Escobar


    I loved the attention of the reception guys, very good vibes. The rooms are well with air conditioning, very good place

  • Yentl



    We booked a private room and it was very noisy. Maybe because the window didn't close properly. There was a group of other guest having a party in the patio (right in front of the door of our room) untill 03:00 AM. We paid for a night of sleep and we didn't get it. Fortunately the staff was helpful the next day and we were able to cancel our second night. Maybe nice for a party hostel but to sleep normally around 00:00 on weekdays, no way!

  • נצר מוקה

    נצר מוקה


    from the moment we checked out we had to spend the rest of the day until the night bus we had no place to go and it was very hot outside all we were asking for was to take a shower and for some reason they didn’t let us… Very disappointing treatment…

  • Hernán Crespo

    Hernán Crespo


    Perfect location + the best staff

  • Cesar Miquel

    Cesar Miquel


    A great Hostel! Nice, simple rooms with clean bathrooms.

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