Km Zero i Buenos Aires

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ArgentinaKm Zero



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2516, Avenida Santa Fe, C1425, Comuna 2, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 3174-4603
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Latitude: -34.5945954, Longitude: -58.4026182

kommentar 5

  • Jordan Schaffer

    Jordan Schaffer


    Folks, don’t waste your time. The free drink is an Argentinian beer (which doesn’t taste horrible) however the drag show is beyond depressing. If you like Twinks in underwear, do come here, otherwise, avoid avoid avoid.

  • Manuel Kähr

    Manuel Kähr


    We visited this place on a Thursday night and enjoyed the drag queen show staring at 1 am. We liked it pretty much although there was a bit too much talking for us compared to the actual time spent for the shows. The drinks are not expensive, but neither very tasty. I would recommend to go there if you are looking for a busy place during weekdays. The location itself is not really beautiful, but totally ok for what you pay.

  • Anita Erikson

    Anita Erikson


    Great night out dancing from 1am til 6am!

  • N v j d j a

    N v j d j a


    Best night club ever! good music, nice drinks and grateful place to dance

  • Joe Maloney

    Joe Maloney


    Got here a little early around midnight. Very empty. As the drag and strip showtime got closer, the crowd certainly picked up. If you sit near the front, you run the risk of being brought onstage by a stripper or a drag queen, which can be fun. My friend was pulled on stage, laid on the ground and had a few pelvic thrusts in his face. I was pulled up onstage by a drag queen to take a tequila body shot off a stripper. The drag queen make jokes in between the strippers coming on stage. Three strippers come on stage twice, the second time baring all. The final showing is when the strippers come around and have audience members give them tips on their scantily clad bodies. The dance floor initially has tables and chair for the show which are eventually removed or dancing. The crowd is mixed from late teens to early thirties and a few older um, ahem, ladies, if you will, who could probably use less lighting or more makeup. While we did have fun dancing and watching the show, PLEASE BEWARE of your personal belongings. My friend was pickpocketed. He iPhone was taken from his pocket without him knowing it. It seemed like a couple younger guys came in, started dancing with us, one distracts the other and one takes the phone. They were gone in an instant. Still a fun time, just be keenly aware of your belongings.

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