La Burbuja Restaurant i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaLa Burbuja Restaurant



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495, Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4740-5332
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4573527, Longitude: -58.6293443

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Lugones

    Pablo Lugones


    Excellent food. The prices are excellent for the only thing that I don't give 5 stars is that the day we went. There was only one waitress to serve the entire room

  • Sara Morello

    Sara Morello


    The food is very good, there is no physical place for many people but it is cozy. I went on different occasions and during the day the food comes out quickly, but at night it usually takes a little longer, so be patient. Friendly staff.

  • China Romero

    China Romero


    It has a very good location, it is a Pacheco classic. The prices may seem a bit high, but the quality reflects that this is not the case. The attention always excellent. And for those who say it's "old-fashioned", how well they responded: it's vintage 😉 stop being so mean, people, because everyone thinks through Google and eats their snot up front. Support local merchants who break their backs every day!

  • Kevin De Pelsmaeker

    Kevin De Pelsmaeker


    Good food for good price. Fast and efficient service. Does home deliveries till late in the evening.

  • Ezequiel Aguilar

    Ezequiel Aguilar


    Good restaurant with a fair menu.

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