Los Perez Garcia Parrilla Restó w La Plata

ArgentynaLos Perez Garcia Parrilla Restó



🕗 godziny otwarcia

480, Camino Parque Centenario, B1894, La Plata, La Plata, AR Argentina
kontakt telefon: +54 221 524-2537
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -34.8557851, Longitude: -58.0751805

komentarze 5

  • Nelida Kovalski

    Nelida Kovalski



  • Romina R

    Romina R


    The only thing that maybe they need to improve is the portion of fries, it is tiny and for the price it should be a little more abundant. The rest is good and the attention of the girl is excellent, it is divine.

  • Victor Gomez

    Victor Gomez


    Nice place. Good attitude and predisposition of the waitress. Regular waiting for the delivery of orders (we ate on the spot). Moderate prices. Although for my taste, in other places, for a little less money they offer you more food. Anyway it is Recommended 👍🏻😎 Victor from @vhlencerias and @entrenadorpersonal

  • Dario Ramos

    Dario Ramos


    The meat is great, with generous portions at a reasonable price. There are also sandwiches, pizzas and salads, and they do delivery at night, which can save you on a busy day. The ambiance is nice and quiet, and service is very good. Highly recommendable if you are in this area; try the parrillada for 2!

  • Diego Guerri

    Diego Guerri


    You eat well, good service, very familiar and homemade. They are developing their business and growing, it has details such as the ladies' bathroom, the door does not close completely, the light was not working in the men's bathroom. Points in favor. The gentle attention and willingness to serve. The mixed homemade flan is delicious. Generous portions, affordable prices.

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