Marcopolo Suites Calafate i El Calafate

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ArgentinaMarcopolo Suites Calafate


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439, Avenida Jorge Newbery, El Calafate, Lago Argentino, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2902 49-2991
internet side:
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Latitude: -50.33714, Longitude: -72.25383

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jasper Braakman



  • en

    Lievie Matos


    Confortable place, well heated, staff ok.

  • en

    Alejandro Apellido


    Cosy budget hotel. Excelent service

  • Ralph N

    Ralph N


    Bit far from downtown, you'll have to walk a long stair to get there up the hill. Female staff is very arrogant. We needed 30 mins more to check out but they asked us to pay an extra fee for that. The guy was more welcoming and very helpful in tips and directions. Basic breakfast that consists of cheese, ham and bread. Along with some fruits and croissant. Everyday they cook a dish of the day if one want to reserve in advance. Internet was a disaster. Dunno if it was a regional malfunction of the hotel's connection. Even for a budget hotel it is still expensive. Three star rating is enough, as per their hotel class.

  • en

    Marl Reik


    Rooms were good, but loud, mattress very good. Bathroom quite old. The most disturbing thing was the breakfast: On 3 days our tour would go at 7:15. Breakfast there is from 6:30 - 9:30. We came in at 6:55 and the coffee was already gone, there was no milk left and no bread. People complained, but staff wouldn't hurry up and would later on start a quarrel because when our tour bus arrived we wanted to take the half-eaten toast from our plates with us, because we didn't have the time and wanted to finish in the bus. NOT recommendable. Malo! Nunca volveremos. Ambos días el desayuno no estaba más, solo 20 minutos después de su apertura. No hubo café, no hubo pan. Gente se quejó, pero nada se cambió. Habitaciónes más o menos... No es un hotel recomendable.

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