Pasamayo i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1307, Teniente General Juan Domingo Perón, C1038, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4374-2029
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Latitude: -34.6063006, Longitude: -58.3851779

kommentar 5

  • Olvis Quintana

    Olvis Quintana


    Lugar tranquilo . Comida muy sabrosa y bastante obstentosa. Recomendable

  • es

    Iris Chamorro


    Una atención para destacar, realmente. Y la comida, preparada en el momento, excelente. Muy rica, muy fresca, con productos cuyos sabores y aromas permiten disfrutar el plato. ¡Buen provecho!

  • David Caro

    David Caro


    I ordered Arroz con Pollo and Maracuya (passion fruit) juice. Maracuya was really great! Arroz con Pollo was just OK, rice was quite dry and the chicken was not juicy. Papa a la Huancaina needed to have stronger taste, I think is because of type of Aji Amarillo they used. Environment was nice and cozy.

  • Rick Powell

    Rick Powell


    I just happened to pass by this small storefront, the sign's typography catching my eye.So before I even read the tagline, I figured it was Peruvian. There was seafood featured in a menu of the day, so I took a chance. As most menus do, this one came with soup or a starter. I chose the soup and out came a steaming hot bowl: rice, squash, corn, unidentified but inedible meat and bones. It was tasty, if a tad under-salted. I ordered an agua con gas to supplement what hte server called jugo de manzana, thinking it was the typical commercial stuff or worse, from powder. But what came was genuine homemade Peruvian apple water. Delicious. The seafood main came and I'm sorry, it reeked. Very fishy smelling. That eventually went away but before it did I was on the verge of sending it back. I'm not sick yet though.... The accompanying sauce was as reddish orange as a rocoto sauce but it lacked any spice whatsoever. The squid was way too chewy for me, the fish was OK if dry with some bites a bit mushy, the oysters were super tender. Nothing impressive and some real misses. I see no reason to try again any time soon. Really good server, however, although she was clearly overworked covering both up and downstairs.

  • en

    Scott Swan


    Great Peruvian food, friendly staff highly recommended

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