Prosmile (Dentist - Odontólogos - Dentistas en cordoba - Implantes Dentales ) i Córdoba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaProsmile (Dentist - Odontólogos - Dentistas en cordoba - Implantes Dentales )



🕗 åbningstider

33, Santiago Derqui, X5000, Córdoba, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 351 422-7111
internet side:
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Latitude: -31.4255657, Longitude: -64.1874343

kommentar 5

  • Ayelen Benhart

    Ayelen Benhart


    Very unprofessional. I am very upset and sorry for choosing it .... I leave much to be desired. I placed the orthodontics and with the passing of the months, I myself discovered that the braces were incorrectly placed. The teeth were moving incorrectly ... as soon as I detected this, I went to 3 more orthodontists to get rid of the doubt and the 3 they agreed on something ... The BRACKETS WERE LOW COST AND BAD QUALITY ... they were badly placed (the day he put them on it didn't take me 10 minutes) which he did in a hurry and his poorly done work was reflected as the months went by. Not only did I pay more than 20,000 pesos to start the treatment, but he did not take care of what happened ... now I have to spend more money. Since they have to put new and complete the teeth that I do not place the brackets. Basically a disaster. I don't really know if it's good or not. This was my fault and they must know it so as not to make a mistake. Greetings and I do not recommend this place in the least ...

  • Hugo Bazán

    Hugo Bazán


    Excellent experience with the Prosmile team, specifically with the expert Maxi. From the first instance to the end, there was a lot of professionalism and human quality. I highly recommend the service and especially if you are looking for someone super crack in implants 😉

  • Micaela Janssen H

    Micaela Janssen H


    Exlent everything! Super!

  • Gabriel Hayipanteli

    Gabriel Hayipanteli


    Excellent attention. And they do a great job without notice.

  • Gabriel Farias

    Gabriel Farias


    Very good attention. Very professional.

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