Sweet Pepper - American Grill i Tigre

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ArgentinaSweet Pepper - American Grill



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239, Los Eucaliptus, B1648, Tigre, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 2566-3884
internet side: www.sweetpepper.com.ar
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Latitude: -34.4196649, Longitude: -58.5720014

kommentar 5

  • Phillip Woodruff

    Phillip Woodruff


    Very pleased with the service and the food - despite it being busy, and having kids with me. Staff were attentive and food came quick. Crispy smoked bbq burger was great

  • Caro Zapponi

    Caro Zapponi


    Great great great place to eat a burger or hotdog in the Puerto de Frutos! Fast service and fresh products. I recommend the veggie burger. It’s de-li-cious !!!

  • michael naylor

    michael naylor


    Ok fast food.takes credit card and kids loved it. Staff great really friendly and helpful.

  • B Q

    B Q


    Quick , honest and very tasty burgers . Usd 20 for two adults and a kids menu .

  • Marcelo Spolansky

    Marcelo Spolansky


    It's a big place for just a burgers a hot dog joint. Lots of room to sit outside and it's covered. When it gets too cold they have heaters. The food was alright, I've had better. I ordered a pulled pork sandwich that was kind of chewy and it came apart, had to ask for a fork to finish it. The fries are like the ones you get at Burger King, once they are cold it's like cardboard. I asked for the lemonade with ginger and no sugar and there was no ginger and lots of sugar. I'm not going back. There are way better places to eat then here.

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