Alex Coffee Roasters i General Pacheco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaAlex Coffee Roasters


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1200, Avenida Coronel Escalada, B1617, General Pacheco, Tigre, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 9 11 2643-2774
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.4637802, Longitude: -58.6123646

kommentar 5

  • Carlos Varela

    Carlos Varela


    First the good. The girls who attend make him cool. The note is for the quality of the products that DO NOT meet the minimum expectations (without being demanding) of what one expects from a coffee and a cappuccino. Both unsavory. The coffee was brown water, and the cappuccino was somewhat similar to a coffee with milk. The accompaniment in the same tune was an acceptable portion but of poor flavor (scones). We went to meet, and there are no short-term plans to return. I hope they can improve because the place is beautiful.

  • Juan Esteban Mandzij (Steve)

    Juan Esteban Mandzij (Steve)


  • Carlos Baleroski

    Carlos Baleroski


  • Veronica Garri

    Veronica Garri


    Just to buy coffee on the way. It is not good to flirt for lunch. The lousy attention.

  • Carla Pugliese

    Carla Pugliese


    All very tasty !. Too bad the barista (the one who makes the coffee) so unfriendly that he makes you want to leave. Luckily the girl who attends, very polite and attentive.

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