AMOBA ortodoncia Sucursal microcentro i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaAMOBA ortodoncia Sucursal microcentro



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461, Florida, C1005, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54
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Latitude: -34.6026936, Longitude: -58.375167

kommentar 5

  • Cristian Morales

    Cristian Morales


    Pésimo servicio, esperas siempre más de 1 hora y media y eso que te dan turno pero no quieren invertir en más profesionales

  • Antonella De la cruz

    Antonella De la cruz


    I have been a patient of amoba for 4 years, and the truth is that the mismanagement of the dental system and the poor care leave much to be desired, too much bureaucracy for something we are paying for!! 4 years ago, and I have them worse than when I did not have braces, a disaster. The thousands of returns that they give you to lengthen the treatment and get more money, the attention in networks is disastrous.

  • julieta.x



    They have no administration and when you file a claim they do not respond. Placing a tooth lifter literally took me 2 hours and they don't tell you the costs when they put something on you. They tell you when it's already placed, so you are forced to pay. They do not give you the names of the professionals. So when you make a complaint, you cannot do it correctly, apart from not having an answer.

  • Rodry Bennytez

    Rodry Bennytez


    Very good attention

  • Val N.M.

    Val N.M.



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