API Atención Pediátrica Integral i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaAPI Atención Pediátrica Integral



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469, Talcahuano, C1013, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4383-8303
internet side: www.api.org.ar
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Latitude: -34.6032095, Longitude: -58.385033

kommentar 5

  • Florencia Gallo

    Florencia Gallo


    Has anyone been able to communicate? I've been calling by phone for 4 days... I sent whatsapp, also email... and I didn't receive answers... My baby has studies that were sent to him urgently a week ago and I still haven't been able to do them. I do not know why they leave contact to communicate if they are not going to respond anywhere

  • Lorena Beatriz Prieto

    Lorena Beatriz Prieto


    I never attended in this place, my daughter was hospitalized in the Spanish Hospital, and dr. He called here to ask for a shift for children's gastronomy for me when I was 6 years old, they gave him a shift for 3/15 but I had to call to confirm the time, two weeks ago I've been calling and sending an email to find out the schedule and never They answered, I urgently need them to attend to me baby, I'm going to introduce myself anyway, it would be nice if someone dedicated themselves to answering emails, WhatsApp and calls, if we call it's because we need the services, otherwise we wouldn't be wasting time.

  • Silvia Andrea Sobradelo

    Silvia Andrea Sobradelo


    I cannot complain about the care of the doctors. We began to attend to my baby there. And the professionals such as the nutritionist, endocrinologist... excellent. Do I wait? Yes. But to serve them they also took the time to do all the right things. I was able to ask many things and clear my doubts. I liked it a lot, especially with the nutritionist who is very respectful. Just as a tip it is better to have a bigger place and not two floors. Wow, all in one. And that they remove the sign that they cannot consume anything. I don't care and my son used the same. Bi was going to let him be hungry. And the other is that they put a little color on it, it looks dull and dull. A bit of color, and some games for the kids wouldn't go amiss. Only that.

  • Maria Sabala

    Maria Sabala


    Very good professionals ...

  • Gabriela Pujol

    Gabriela Pujol


    Hello a query do you have a wsp ??

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