Banco Galicia i Congreso

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco Galicia



🕗 åbningstider

1225, Avenida de Mayo, C1085, Congreso, Comuna 1, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 810-777-3333
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6090472, Longitude: -58.3837424

kommentar 5

  • Yoelpala8



    Can I go to enable my account at the branch? I am a cleaning worker who needs to collect your salary. The company told me to go with an ID and my receipt. Do I need to make an appointment? Or is it not necessary?

  • Mechii Ubeira

    Mechii Ubeira


    The turn is given quickly, the resolution of your problem is not.

  • angela torrejon

    angela torrejon


    Dismal attention, not to say something worse, a gray-haired man who does not feel like attending. I went 3 times to the bank and they can't solve something as simple as the keys. I tried to do self-service over the phone but both sent me to a branch because my card for self-service was disabled. Anyway they are a disaster and they do not help you in anything but NOTHING. I don't know what the hell they're paying attention to. More help received from the security guard than the old man is gray. In short, pathetic everything ... I do not recommend at all that they come to that bank if they need to do any paperwork or whatever.

  • Maria Paula Pichon Riviere

    Maria Paula Pichon Riviere


    Very good attention

  • Mauricio Germano

    Mauricio Germano


    Very bad attention.

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