Banco Itaú i ABS

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco Itaú



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1166, Avenida Santa Fe, C1059, ABS, Comuna 1, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 810-345-4999
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.5957217, Longitude: -58.3837891

kommentar 5

  • Rolando Martin Reich

    Rolando Martin Reich


    Black days with Itau. I was unlucky to find out that I had good points in a program called your world Itau. one of the exchanges was for a water purifier which I was unable to install. I tried to communicate by phone and they informed me that the key was blocked. After asking me a series of unusual questions, they told me that I had made a mistake in one of them and that I had to wait 24 hours to recover my password. I asked the bank for an appointment to cancel one of the two safe deposit boxes that I have at the branch. This is due to the fact that I was recently notified that the first days of next month I would bill in the year and I have it in disuse. I went to the bank and after filling out the form they informed me that I could not cancel on that day because the locksmith was not there even though I had the two keys. I then asked for help with the phone code and they recommended using WhatsApp. When trying to communicate by WhatsApp after several questions they asked me to do a series of filming with morisquetas with the front camera of the cell phone. After that they reiterated the recognition procedure from the beginning despite having informed me that the process had already concluded and that they had recognized the cell phone but this time they sent me a link to manage the password. After concluding the process, I tried to enter WhatsApp again and it all started again saying that they could only help me with the options they were giving me when in reality no option arose. They recommended that I communicate on a phone. On this phone I was given three options that I was supposed to choose with the numbers from the cell phone application. But it turns out that despite pressing the numbers the options did not respond. I also tried to contact the warranty of the product exchanged and something similar happened to me.

  • Eduardo Gerbam

    Eduardo Gerbam


    Correct care

  • Alicia Varela

    Alicia Varela


    The right cashiers. ATMs work fine. Business operations employees, horrible attention, absolute lack of empathy. Current security personnel cannot approach the glass to answer a question - they will believe the glass is porous. Now there is a new employee in business operations who is smart, oriented well, helpful. The santa fe branch is excellent. I go to the one that is inju nin and holy faith. Good attention.

  • Alfonso Storni

    Alfonso Storni


    Good attention, the ATMs and self-services work. Alcohol in gel would be lacking as they have the Santander branches.

  • Victor Acevey

    Victor Acevey


    You never get someone to give you an answer, and all branches have the same customer service number, I want to unblock the debit card and nobody gives an answer

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