Banco Patagonia Sucursal Lavalle i Microcentro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBanco Patagonia Sucursal Lavalle



🕗 åbningstider

456, Lavalle, C1047, Microcentro, Comuna 1, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 5371-7200
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.6022172, Longitude: -58.3732861

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Soriano

    Francisco Soriano


    Terrible service. The Bank is a mess, and this branch is one of the worst. They don't help you with anything, they do everything they can to get you to leave. The receptionist is always ill-mannered and ill-disposed and generous. I do not recommend the Bank at all, much less this branch.

  • oscar Gatti

    oscar Gatti


    You have to wait a long time.

  • oscar Gatti

    oscar Gatti


    They take a long time to attend

  • Roberto Coria

    Roberto Coria


    Excellent attention

  • Patricia Moreno

    Patricia Moreno


    Very bad attention, Silvia Ortelin, the only thing that interests her is to pursue you so that you can access the package they offer !!! I sent countless emails and I did not get a solution. They offered me visa cards and they sent me master, having told him that I wanted to cancel the master and have the platinum visa !!!!! A shame!!! And a hoax !!!!!!

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