Bowling Strike i Villa Gesell

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaBowling Strike


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n° 250, Avenida 3, B7165, Villa Gesell, Villa Gesell, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2255 46-2903
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Latitude: -37.254262, Longitude: -56.9674386

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Diaz

    Pablo Diaz


    Very good attention, nice place to have fun and hang out

  • Ileana Rocío

    Ileana Rocío


    Bowling's and pool for all ages and in good condition. The friendly attention, I went with friends and we had a lot of fun, nobody rushed us, far from it. Clean bathrooms. Beverage service with and without alcohol. I loved it!

  • Gabriel Gonzalez

    Gabriel Gonzalez


    Bowling Strike.

  • Charlie Pedulla

    Charlie Pedulla


    We went several times and in different seasons. It is not a place that stands out for being luxurious or for having super modern facilities, but it is a place with a very nice atmosphere. I don't know the people who serve it but they are always the same, so I suppose it is a family business that always has the best vibes. There is also an improvement and investment in the slopes compared to previous years. The prices to consume there are a little above the average but it is not priceless. The prices of the lines are correct I think. Whenever we can we will return!

  • Tomas Helguera

    Tomas Helguera


    Nice place! It's expensive, but fun and very good attention! Bowling alleys are fine, they just have undulations and the ball goes off course along the way. The price of the line per person is $350 before 9:00 p.m. and $450 after, it seemed expensive compared to other activities, last year we paid something like $100, they increased x4 in 1 year. We were 3 people and we played 2 lines each and paid $2100, we stayed 1 hour.

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