Catamarca Apart i San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCatamarca Apart


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467, Calle Echeverría, K4700, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 9 383 402-4037
internet side:
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Latitude: -28.4593605, Longitude: -65.7806054

kommentar 5

  • Palacio Maxi

    Palacio Maxi


    The hotel is well located, it is clean, its attention is cordial. The only thing that would improve is to ask passengers who want to spend time in the patio of the establishment to be quieter, that way they would not disturb those of us who stayed in rooms near the patio. The rest all perfect.

  • Florencia Acuña

    Florencia Acuña


    Very nice and comfortable place with everything you need, and at a reasonable price. I just came back and I was satisfied with the services, and the friendliness of the lady who attended us! Apart also adding that it is near the main avenue where many buses pass, near the terminal, and a few kilometers from the airport. Recommendable!

  • Susana Gassmann

    Susana Gassmann


    Excellent, its owners, the place, the comfort, cleanliness, attention, location... Super recommended!!!

  • Mariano Domenech

    Mariano Domenech


    When one visits Catamarca and wonders why tourists avoid it, one answer is how to deal with their drawbacks. We booked through take off, a passenger had to get off the trip for HEALTH reasons. This changed our itinerary, having to change from the first reservation to the last destination. However, it was a chaos of 4 HOURS (the first since our arrival), between round trips with the hotel, with taking off in between. We finally decided, in order not to harm the inn, to stay a few days (situations like this have happened to me many times, and they are arranged without drama and with the good predisposition of both parties at the reception), however, they decided that we could not do anything, that they did not cancel the reservation, and to top it off, who attended, did not want to open the door for us to chat, leaving us in the street, a rather childish attitude. It never happened to me in the more than 40 cities that I have visited. But hey, 30 meters away is El Salvador, where Cintia, a genius, attended us.

  • Marcos Ojeda

    Marcos Ojeda


    Excelent! Very Confortable!

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