Centro Médico Rawson i Campana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCentro Médico Rawson



🕗 åbningstider

67, Rawson, Campana, Campana, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 3489 29-0440
internet side: cmrawson.com.ar
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.1577806, Longitude: -58.9610891

kommentar 5

  • Norberto Bocalandro

    Norberto Bocalandro


    Muy completo y con buena organización. Las chicas muy amables y simpáticas, lo que tiene es que siempre hay mucha gente.

  • Ezequiel Gonzalez

    Ezequiel Gonzalez


    Yesterday I went to take the shift and they gave me a price, today when I went to attend they charged me $500 pesos more than the price they gave me yesterday, they didn't respect the shift schedule either. They also do not accept electronic payments because they do not have posnet, I am already filing the corresponding complaint with the AFIP.

  • Micaela Arzamendia

    Micaela Arzamendia


    Here you pay the tarasca and they do not attend quickly. It should be more agile. I have a shift for 9:15 am and they still haven't answered... they haven't even arrived. Punctuality should be the first rule to respect.

  • Osvaldo Alday

    Osvaldo Alday


    Very good attention and punctuality in it. Administrative and professional staff very attentive. Delivery of results on the same day via mail. Facilities and equipment of very good quality. Ten points!

  • モウソスクロソ



    A disaster the attention of the employees, not of the professionals. My daughter had a shift for 5:15 p.m. and it's 7:26 p.m. and we're still waiting because the receptionist forgot to write it down. Nice to get paid if they do it first.

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