Centro Pediátrico Del Sur i Comodoro Rivadavia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCentro Pediátrico Del Sur



🕗 åbningstider

540, Italia, U9000, Comodoro Rivadavia, Escalante, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 297 444-5544
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -45.8651778, Longitude: -67.4875211

kommentar 5

  • Yarina Garcia

    Yarina Garcia


    Very good attention, the times I called they attended me and gave me a shift. Excellent doctors.

  • Debo Llanfulén

    Debo Llanfulén


    I don't know why they put a phone number if they won't answer. I called many times and they hang up. A shame 😡

  • Los tehuelches Han pasado

    Los tehuelches Han pasado


    A real shame. Secretaries do not answer your phone or WhatsApp messages. They are addicted to personal cell phones. As this clinic can have these kind of person. They are not responsible with the work. Knowing that there are parents who need to consult to request shifts for the children. Others who come from the interior to see the child traumatologist. And because of these people's classes, it is complicated to request shifts, they should improve the secretarial staff, thus giving this clinic a good reputation.

  • Alejandra Elizabeth Ramoa

    Alejandra Elizabeth Ramoa


    Bad care makes you wait a long time, the pediatrician did not give me a solution to a simple issue and on top of that she wanted to charge me for the consultation. I will not come back.

  • Mario Cajal

    Mario Cajal


    Good hygiene !!!

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