Clínicas ODEM de Odontología Personalizada i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaClínicas ODEM de Odontología Personalizada



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1718, Lavalle, C1019, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4372-2508
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.6032898, Longitude: -58.3911459

kommentar 5

  • Sol Abigail

    Sol Abigail


    Desde el 2 de junio que intento sacar turno por whatsapp. A pesar de estar en línea JAMÁS me contestaron. Todos los días mandé msj para pedir turno. Hoy me avisan que ya no tienen ningún turno. Son un chiste, juegan con el tiempo de la gente. Cuando fui me atendieron bien, pero la verdad es que es una VERGÜENZA su administración.

  • Carlos “Charly” B

    Carlos “Charly” B


    Hoy sábado, fui y tuvieron buen trato, espere menos de 2 horas. Lugar muy limpio y profesionales buenos.

  • Daniel Humberto Mariani

    Daniel Humberto Mariani


    My experience was excellent. Very good attention at the reception and from the professional who attended me. Very clear to explain my condition and the treatment to follow. Very nice place.

  • Gabee Varela

    Gabee Varela


    My experience was very positive. I went to the guard this morning and expected little to be seen. There were few people in the waiting room. The dental care was very good. They made me a plate and prescribed medication. No extractions are carried out on guard so I must continue my process by asking for an appointment right there (or in another office of my social work)

  • Slavina Rizova

    Slavina Rizova


    Distaster!!! Absolute disaster! I went with a severe pain in my tooth after a sleepless night taking pills , which didn't help me at all. The last thing i expected was to end up on a place like this.What i experienced there could easily be called a nightmare!!!Both of the women "professionals" were extremely inattentive, rude and bad looking!!! The one that attended me was entering my mouth like she is a street maintenance worker. Then came the other one who's manners were just as rude as the previous one. When i first saw the cabinet something told me the place is no good. Blood all over the machine, which is not acceptable!!!! I should have asked my money back 10 times!!! The only kind person there was the young girl receptionist.Definitely would not recommend! Unless you feel your mouth is a street waiting to be digged in!!! Simply awful!

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