Comisaría del Turista i Buenos Aires

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaComisaría del Turista


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436, Avenida Corrientes, C1043, Comuna 1, Buenos Aires, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 11 4346-5748
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.603546, Longitude: -58.37297

kommentar 3

  • Anna Maria Gloor

    Anna Maria Gloor


    Im Teatro Colón wurde uns die Brieftasche entwendet! Sehr hilfsbereite und kompetente Polizei! Sprachen auch englisch! Telefonierten auf die Schweiz um Hilfe zu erhalten! Zuvor, auf der Comisaría 3 lies man mehrere beraubte Leute über eine Stunde ohne Grund warten!! Ohne sichtbaren Grund! Bis ein kleiner Aufstand stattfand, dann ging alles viel schneller!

  • en

    Ian McDonald


    Not much help initially . I was the victim of a pickpocket 4th February 2018 and reported to Address: Av. Corrientes 436, C1043AAR CABA ( Tourist Police Station ) . No comprehensible English speakers available . Long and convoluted broken English debate to establish location of offense . Lengthy discussion on which local Police Station had jurisdiction over the site of the offense . Attempted to contact appropriate police station but they apparently can't or won't answer the phone . Walking visit to an adjacent Police Station about 5 minutes walk away , no resolution , back to Av. Corrientes 436 , No transport available to reach another police station , but two police cars parked out the front of Corrientes 436 not allowed to be used for police work , no driver on duty . Surrendered to inevitable after 5 hours of frustration and returned to my Hotel in a cab summoned by the Police , driver took the long way back and doubled the distance and fare compared to initial trip to Av. Corrientes 436 . Lengthy and loud debate over fare , even louder after I paid half the fare on the meter and left the cab . Suggested to cab driver he should call the police , debate even louder . My thoughts were "Hell of a way to run a police force and impress tourists" . Left Buenos Aires the following morning for a trip to The Iguazu Falls and enjoyed a spectacular couple of days looking and photographing one of the true wonders of the world , a really worthwhile experience . Returned to Buenos Aries on 8th February , and decided to perservere wih Police on last full day before returning to Australia . Returned to Av. Corrientes 436 about 9.30 A.M. 9th February and started all over again . They had no record of my previous visit , but good English , so in only about 1 hour we had established location of offense and possible jurisdiction . Off to same secondary Police Station as on 4th , and after another hour or so established that this was not the appropriate place to report . Shortly thereafter a Police car with two Officers arrived and we were all off to what turned out to be the appropriate place to file a report . On the way we passed the scene of the crime and I positively identified it. A further 2 hours produced an official report to take home and present to my insurer . In fairness I must say that the Police I dealt on the second occasion were courteous and diligent and we eventually achieved a report . I suspect from conversations with the Australian Embassy and staff at the Hotel that the Tourist Police are a fairly recent innovation , produced by the Government in response to a fairly serious crime wave . Both sources wished me good luck in dealing with the Police . I didn't need luck , the Police were very helpful . I gathered that the funding from the Goverment was enough to make a start and be visible , but apparently not enough to provide drivers and Enlish speaking staff for the night shift , I daresay other translators are also thin on the ground after dark . Apparently tourists are only robbed during daylight hours . Getting money from the Government for Police work is like pulling teeth , unless there is an overwhelming need , like reductions in the Tourist dollar . It is a shame, because Argentina has a lot to gain from the tourism industry .but will lose much of it once the extent of street crime becomes common knowledge . Argentina is still worth visiting , but trust no-one and watch out for shadows , and the street cab drivers are as bad as Indian cabbies . Radio-cabs tend to be much safer , but all cabs become much more amenable if you take their picture with a cell phone or camera before getting in . Ian McDonald isolated Australian tourist .

  • en

    A I McD


    Not much help initially. I was the victim of a pickpocket 4th February and reported to Address: Av. Corrientes 436, C1043AAR CABA . No English speakers available . Attempted to contact appropriate police station but they apparently aren't answering the phone . No transport available to reach the other police station , but two police cars parked out the front of Corrientes 436 not allowed to be used for police work , no drivers on duty . Hell of a way to run a police force . Returned on 9th February and much better result . Comprehensible English speakers on duty provided courteous and helpful assistance to produce a report . Lengthy process to determine appropriate Police Station , but after two false starts sorted things out . Apparently Tourist Police Stations recently set up to deal with a severe increase in crime against tourists , amid fears of a drop in tourist revenue . Still in process of getting organised to match service to political rhetoric . Hopefully the service will improve, as Buenos Aires has many attractions made hazardous due to street crime . If you do go to Buenos Aires watch out for shadows and followers and only use radio taxis after sunset . Ian McDonald isolated Australian tourist .

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