Coral Hotel Catamarca i San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaCoral Hotel Catamarca


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1179, Tucumán, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Capital, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 383 445-4619
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Latitude: -28.4756842, Longitude: -65.7753405

kommentar 5

  • Dora Milea

    Dora Milea


    It is not a 3 star hotel, the attention is non-existent. Poor breakfast. Some rooms are small and uncomfortable if one comes for work. WiFi is good. The shower has good water power. I would not go back .

  • Lau Costa

    Lau Costa


    Excellent! I was pleasantly surprised. It has cable TV, good Wi-Fi service, cleanliness and very good order. Excellent reception service. The dining room has a beautiful view. Half board (dinner or lunch) should be a touch more abundant.

  • MaGi Rox

    MaGi Rox


    There is always room in this hotel and we always come. There are drawbacks but we don't care about anything. It's comfortable, central and sure that's what interests us the rest that people say like noises and stuff, it's normal because we're not deaf and if they want they come with earplugs. Always behind every human being who works there is suffering and effort. Respect and respect. I've been coming here for 4 years and I'll keep coming back. ***** stars

  • olga morales

    olga morales


    Ubicación 7 Atención 2 Limpieza 0. Debajo de las camas mugre acumulada. Balcón cubierto de de desechos de paloma. Olor Desayuno café frío con leche o té. Un pan y una factura... No pudieron calentar la leche de mi bb porque no tenían en que!!!! Nefasto el servicio Lo único que tiene un 10 es el ascensor que funciona de 10!!

  • Marcelo Rovere

    Marcelo Rovere


    Decent hotel, within walking distance of most city sights, and with parking included. Great for one or two nights. Breakfast is barely decent, though.

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