Denver Hotel & Spa i Mar del Plata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaDenver Hotel & Spa


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2477, Arenales, B7600, Mar del Plata, General Pueyrredón, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 223 491-6020
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Latitude: -38.0091816, Longitude: -57.5450705

kommentar 5

  • Silvia Scambato

    Silvia Scambato


    There was no one responsible. They didn't solve anything. The swimming pool. We were able to use it after three days. The water was cold because they said they had emptied it. That is no longer done. The door to the room did not work. You had to knock to open it. They set a time for breakfast, most did not respect it. And Saturday was a real chaos

  • Sharon Gabin

    Sharon Gabin


    Rooms are too small. At 8am there is construction going on so you can’t sleep at all. Super noisy !! Apparently you’re not allowed to bring food or drinks into the hotel, so we had to throw our food that we just bought because we had to eat it outside of the HOTEL BUILDING !!!

  • Alvaro Pateiro

    Alvaro Pateiro


    Great Staff and huge Buffet Breakfast! Definitely coming back...

  • Salty Cadet

    Salty Cadet


    The room had three outlets. One wouldn't hold a plug in it, one was almost on the ceiling, and the other was in front of the door so you couldn't plug anything in and use the door at the same time. My neighbor only had one plug in the whole room. Thats the kind of quality we are dealing with here. The service people are friendly and breakfast is ok, but don't look for any kind of real amenity.

  • Sempe Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

    Sempe Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes



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