Diario LM Neuquén i Neuquén

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaDiario LM Neuquén



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445, General Fotheringham, Neuquén, Confluencia, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 299 449-0400
internet side: www.lmneuquen.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -38.9503308, Longitude: -68.069068

kommentar 5

  • Marcelo Osiris Hoffmann

    Marcelo Osiris Hoffmann


    Información variada, independiente.

  • dekkerale



    Buena info

  • marcelo ancao

    marcelo ancao


    Muy bueno

  • es

    Sebastian Barros


    Muy buena atención. El personal muy atento.




    Diario La Manana Neuquen Newspaper, Neuquen, Argentina I just want to say how grateful and thankful I am to have been interviewed back on Friday, May 5, 2017 by Journalist, Alejandro Olivera. I was actually supposed to be interviewed several days ago by somebody else, but sadly that interview got cancelled with No Reason Given and sadly it was Not rescheduled. However, I Never gave up on the Diario La Manana Neuquen because I just went straight back to their offices with my letters of recommendation and made my presentation. Thankfully with all good timing I was able to get the Interview that I have been waiting for. Alejandro Olivera was an Excellent Interviewer by the way and I feel that he asked ME the Right Questions. I am very happy for my Interview and definitely look forward to seeing my interview appear in the Diario La Manana Neuquen Newspaper within the next two (2) or three (3) days. Another Amazing Thing Happened During My Visit With The Diario La Manana Neuquen Newspaper: The Ambassador Of France, Pierre Henri Guignard was there unexpectedly and I got the opportunity to meet and greet him as well as take a picture with him. Simply Amazing! I want to personally thank Alejandro Olivera for taking the time out of his busy schedule to interview me for the Diario La Manana Neuquen Newspaper! I also want to personally thank Photographer Sebastian Farina Petersen for taking the time to photograph me during my very important interview! Sincerely yours, Howard Paul Shore Visitor Executive, Volunteer Writer And Promoter For Google And Tripadvisor Websites /HPS

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