Edelweiss Hostel i El Calafate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArgentinaEdelweiss Hostel


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El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 2902 48-8084
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Latitude: -50.3361493, Longitude: -72.2409845

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kainan Wu


    A hygienic threat in the local area. Multiple cockroaches in the kitchen/reception. Rooms are fine, but maybe bring your own cups, plates and toiletries if you plan to book here.

  • iria04



    No está terminada su construcción o fue muy reciente porque tiene detalles y restos de la misma por terminar.

  • en

    Ali Alobaidy


    We were newly in Calafate and we were lost at 11pm at night. We walked into this hostel and the manager very generously helped us call a taxi to get to our destination even though we only spoke in broken Spanish. He also very kindly invited us to wait in his very clean and quiet common room until the taxi arrived. I wish we had stayed there to thank him for his generosity. Thank you once again Sir for your help.

  • fr

    Guillaume M


    L'auberge est neuve, bien chauffée et propre. L'accueil est parfait ! Lit à 350 ARS, petit déjeuner et serviette de bain compris. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de monde, idéal pour se reposer et très proche du terminal des bus.

  • es

    Mariano Benedetto


    Edelweiss es un Hostel que esta recien inagutado y que la dueña quien lo atiende se esmera para wue todo este perfecto.

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