Holiday Inn Express Rosario, an IHG Hotel i Rosario

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ArgentinaHoliday Inn Express Rosario, an IHG Hotel


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1950, Salta, S2000, Rosario, Rosario, AR Argentina
kontakter telefon: +54 341 410-0100
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.937192, Longitude: -60.648286

kommentar 5

  • Michael R

    Michael R


    Hotel is rather old, rooms are big but feel empty with almost no furniture. They clean the rooms in under 15 mins so I would say the place is spotless Breakfast if good, get there early or you won’t have a place to sit down.

  • Javier Troncoso

    Javier Troncoso


    The hotel is located in the heart of the city, conveniently only a few blocks away from the riverbank and the commercial center of the city. It has pretty much everything you need for a great stay - except a restaurant. This is mildly annoying as you need to go to the other holiday Inn a couple blocks away, but nothing that would worsen the experience significantly. The staff was extremely helpful and solved many small issues I had. The area was very quiet, never had trouble sleeping!

  • Josefina Ameriso

    Josefina Ameriso


    Unfortunately I didn’t have a good experience in terms of service and even if I tried to complain properly on the email I was given at reception no one came back to me. I stayed for around 2 weeks and had previously arranged that my sister was going to pay the bill. Even if I been countless of times around reception I was never told I had to pay in advance. So one evening I arrived back to my room and the card doesn’t work. My husband is told we have to pay and I thought was something that could be sorted in the following days. However the following day I arrived at 12 and they tell me I have 1 hour to pay. At the time I tried to contact my sister who was going to make the payment and couldn’t reach her out. I explained to the lady that I just needed one extra hour probably but she was saying that I had till 1 pm. It was also the moment I had to put my baby to sleep and we had a family event on the afternoon for which we had travel from Europe. They said that they been trying to contact me for the past 5 days which is a joke. we have no text messages emails and not other time this was mentioned at reception despite being around a couple of times. I could also go into the fact that I was told a price when I check inn and a couple of days later when I asked again the price was higher. They said they had counted wrong the number of nights… But anyway overall I felt there was lack of communication and professionalism. They could have been more understanding. Is not the first time we stayed there and they had my our credit card details so not that we were going to leave without paying. I felt they were pushing us to pay as if we were thieves. I’m the end I had to bother someone else from my family for the payment in a rush. The thing is that if you can pay with pesos you should. You can save around 50% of the cost than paying in euros or dollars. Of course the hotel didn’t care about this.




    Excellent place to rest and enjoy a delicious breakfast

  • clacby



    Really nice hotel, very good breakfast and by the heart of the city.

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